Welcome to the website of the Penn-Wharton Club of the Philippines!
On behalf of the board of trustees, I am delighted to welcome you to the largest and most engaged US alumni club in the Philippines, and one of the most active Penn alumni clubs in Asia.
Our club is home to a diverse group of individuals and some of our country’s foremost leaders in the fields of business, government, and philanthropy. Our aim is to connect our club’s nearly 300 members with one another, and to create a community where ideas are shared and friendships are made. To achieve this, our club arranges on average one event per month – from career talks, sporting events, information sessions, and our annual holiday party.
I invite all alumni across the undergraduate, masters, and executive programs to join in our events and be active members of our club.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing you at our club events!
Feli Atienza
President Penn-Wharton Club of the Philippines